Past Champions

Congratulations to our past champions!

2024 Winter Indoor League

Team Steigerwalt

Foreground L to R: Tom Miller, Gary Adams, Stan Steigerwalt (Coach), Bobby Wambold, Mark Wagner, Tim Reilly

Background L to R: Charlie Lutz, Fritz Kofke, John Politza, Jeff Anderson, Bill Ferry

Missing: Bruce Albert, Brian Englehardt, Craig Soffin

2023 Summer League

Team Audi

Standing L to R - Tom Anderson, Robin Haberle, Glenn Sunday, Jose Castro, John Politza, Ed Turner, Tom Eroh

Kneeling L to R - Bob Hoy, Drew Eisenhauer (Coach), Steve George, Joanie Mauer, Mike Shaffer

Missing from photo - Ron Rubin

2022 Summer League


Front (Kneeling) L to R - Vince Miccicke, Rich Stanislaw, Tim Reilly

Middle L to R - Norm Brown, Mike Coller, Ed Hollos, Bill Sonon, Mike Petersheim

Back L to R - Rick Mengel, Darrell Morgan, Ed Zalenski, Bob Quick, John Steinbrecher, John Trinwith, Craig Royer

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